Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran. / Admission / Tuition Fees / Tuition Fees of Students with Special Conditions

Tuition Fee for Educational Leave

After receiving approval from the vice-chancellor for the education of the university, applicants of educational leave (with medical or non-medical reasons) should pay 100% of the fixed tuition fee for the semester. However, payment will not be received from those subjected to waiting or leave due to specific conditions and limitations of the university, which cannot be controlled by students with the suggestion of the vice-chancellor for research and approval of the board of trustees of the university. In case of payment of the fee of the academic semester when the student is on the waiting list, the tuition fee will remain as credits for students in the next semester. 

Tuition Fee of Dropout 

*Dropout is defined as those who complete their registration in the university after being accepted in the entrance exam and are considered a student after completing the administrative steps. Evidently, those who have not completed their registration will not benefit from this item. 

*For all academic levels, only one fixed tuition fee of a semester will be received as the tuition fee of dropout before the start of the first semester.

*After the first academic semester 

After the start of the first semester, a student with the intention of dropout should pay the fixed tuition fee of the next academic year in addition to the fixed and variable tuition fees of the current year as the costs of dropout and cancellation of admission capacity.

- Note 1: Tuition fees will not be received from a dropout student who demands to return to education and receives permission to return before the end of the academic year and the tuition fee obtained will remain as credits for students. 

Tuition Fee of Expelled Students

Students expelled from the autonomous campus of the university (expelled because of disciplinary or educational reasons) should pay the fixed tuition for the next academic year in addition to paying the tuition fee of the current semester as the costs of expulsion and cancellation of admission capacity.

- Note 2: If the expelled students receive permission to return to education before the end of the academic semester, the tuition fee received will remain as credits for students. 

*Education Fee for Being on the Waiting List for Continuing Education 

Students who failed the stepwise tests such as the comprehensive basic science test for the professional doctorate (general) and are on the waiting list for the next semester should pay 50% of the tuition fee. 

*Education Fee for Suspended Students

Suspended students (because of disciplinary or educational reasons) should pay the fixed tuition fee during the suspension. 

* Education Fee for Adjusted Credits 

The fees of adjusted credits will be received at an equivalent of 50% of the variable tuition fee of the credits based on the tuition fee list in each academic year and should be recorded on students’ GPA without receiving the fixed tuition fee. 

Educational Fee of Summer Semester

1-3: No fixed tuition fee is received for summer semesters, and the variable fee will be received as usual and based on the rate of the academic year. 

Tuition Fee of Independent Study 

If a student is forced to take one credit as an independent study (expect for thesis) in a semester, the tuition fee will be half of the variable tuition fee. These students should not pay the fixed tuition fee for the semester. 

Tuition Fee of Transferred Students

After the approval of students’ request for transfer by both universities and completing the administrative steps, tuition fees will be received in case of defining the campus, as well as the origin or destination university with the two following conditions: 

*Transferred students to the campus (origin university=other universities of the country and destination university=autonomous campus of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences)

All campus student rules will also apply to transfer students.

*Transferred students from the campus (origin university=autonomous campus of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences and destination university=other universities of the country)

Students applying to transfer to other universities in the country will be required to pay a full fixed tuition fee for the next academic year if their transfer is approved.

Educational Fee of Guest Students

Similar to transferred students, after the approval of students’ request for being a guest by both universities and completing the administrative steps, tuition fees will be received in case of defining the campus, as well as the origin or destination university with the two following conditions: 

*Guest students to the campus (origin university=other universities of the country and destination university=autonomous campus of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences)

In the case of an independent study for one credit (except for thesis), the student should pay the variable tuition fee and not the fixed tuition fee. If students attend the university as a guest for one semester, they should pay both the fixed and variable tuition fees. The criterion for calculating tuition is the amounts set for the last entrance of students.

*Guest students from the campus (origin university=autonomous campus of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences and destination university=other universities of the country)

Fixed tuition is charged based on the amounts set for the same entry. Variable tuition is paid only at the location of the destination university.

Educational Fee Discounts for Top Students

Top Students

Achieving a GPA of 18.5 and higher is the main condition for being recognized as a top student in the semester.

Note 3: Tuition discount for international (non-Iranian) students includes a separate statute.

Note 4: If the student is eligible to receive two different discounts, only the discount with the higher amount will be applied. 

PhD Level (General)

  • Top Student of Each Field of Study in Each Semester: 

After extracting the final results of each semester and ranking students’ GPA, the first-third GPAs of the same entrance year in each field of study will be determined, and the top students will respectively benefit from 100%, 75%, and 50% discounts for fixed tuition fees of the current semester.

Top Students of Comprehensive Tests

Test Area of Students Across the Country: 

The first-third ranks of the regional macro exams in each field of study will benefit from a discount in the educational tuition of their next semester in accordance with the following contents.

The first-third ranks of the regional macro exam will be respectively subject to 100%, 75%, and 50% discounts on the total tuition fee for the two semesters.

Top MSc Students

After extracting the final results of each semester and ranking students’ GPA, the first rank of each academic field in similar entrances will receive a 100% discount for the fixed tuition fee of the next semester. 

* Students who passed less than 14 credits will not be included in the ranking process and extracting top ranks in each semester.

* Educational discount will be determined based on the suggestion of the autonomous campus and approval of the board of trustees in case of national achievements.

B) Educational Fee Facilities Upon Entrance of Students into the Autonomous Campus

If the candidates to study on campus received the top scores in the national exam, the tuition discounts can be applied to this group of candidates in accordance with the following clauses:

* One and two-digit ranks of the national entrance exam in each academic year will be exempt from paying the entire tuition fee in case of choosing a field of study at the campus. 

* Three-digit ranks will only pay half of the tuition fee during education in case of selecting a field of study at the campus. 

  • Educational fee discounts for children of personnel of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences

 The personnel of the university include those with permanent employment at the university (Subject of Article 3) of the administrative, employment, and organizational regulations for non-faculty staff and Article 11 of administrative and employment regulations for faculty, including permanent, temporary, or contractual personnel. 

* If the student is employed in the university or is the child of one of the personnel of the university, they will be exempt from paying the fixed tuition fee of each semester during education in case of a minimum GPA of 15, whether they are accepted to or are transferred to the university.