
سخنرانی دکتر نجفی در افتتاحیه همایش بین المللی هزینه اثر بخشی

شرکت کنندگان در همایش برای احترام به جان باختگان حادثه هوایی ارومیه و سیل اخیر ایالت کوینزلند استرالیا یک دقیقه سکوت کردند.

Welcome Speech

 Health Economic Evaluation Workshop (17th -20th Jan 2011), Kermanshah, Iran

From Vice-Chancellor for Research & Technology

Kermanshah University of Medical sciences

Ladies and Gentlemen Welcome to the First International Workshop of Health Economic Evaluation. It is great to see so many of you coming from different parts of the country.

 Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences and the Iranian Ministry of Health are pleased to host this workshop where we will have the opportunity to learn how we can evaluate health interventions in terms of both costs and effectiveness, the area which is very young or in fact in infancy period in Iran.                 

 I know many  of you have travelled from quite a distance and I would like to acknowledge our lecturers Jan, Lennert , and Linda form Center for burden of disease and cost-effectiveness from school of Population Health, University of Queensland, Australia who have made this long trip all the way to Iran.

 I think it is appropriate to mention that how it was to have such workshop in Kermanshah. According to decision made by Research council in Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, the University support all academic staff for taking part in one international workshop in each year if they accept to run such workshop with cooperation of the original host and that was why I took part in a workshop in UQ. When I was in UQ, I talked to Jan and Theo to plan this workshop and after coming back to Iran we have a good cooperation with ministry of Health specifically Dr Kohpayezadeh to have support from ministry as well. And now after 9 months, we are here in Kermanahsh in the first workshop of health economic evaluation of interventions.

And   of course we should not forget that the two nations of Iran and Australia are mourning the loss of life caused by two tragedies when Queensland experienced the most devastating floods on record with hundreds of people dead and displaced and when the Iranian plane hit the ground and broke to pieces killing 77 and injuring dozens of others.  Therefore I would like to ask for a one-minute silence to pay tribute to the victims of the two disasters.

 returning to our workshop, I suggest that you consult your brochures for detailed timetables. When the lectures start you will need to listen carefully and do the exercises individually. If you have any problems regarding the scientific content of lectures please ask your questions from Jan, Linda and Lennert. Do not worry about your English language as I supposed they are accustomed to work within international field but in case if your English might be very perfect in a way that none of them understand your sentences , please do not hesitate. We have some life saver here, there are some people here who can translate your sentences to more English format!. Of course I would like to ask the lecturers to speak more distinctly.

And one more important thing, this workshop is webcasting for 50 people outside the workshop. We have provided this opportunity for those who could not attend the workshop.

To all of you thank you once again for being here. Welcome and enjoy the workshop.

                                                                                                                                   Dr.Farid Najafi


۲۹ دی ۱۳۸۹ ۱۶:۵۹

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