In a live radio program, Dr. Hossein Biglari, head of KUMS secretariat of health and food safety working group asserted that fortunately, with recent advances in medicine, AIDS is curable and can be controlled. Emphasizing the need to increase our scientific awareness of the prevention of AIDS and its treatment methods, he added that one of the most important days in the world health calendar is the World AIDS Day, which falls between December 1 and 11.
According to Dr. Biglari, the ways of transmission of this virus include addiction, injection, unprotected sex, and in the past it was transmitted through blood as well as from an infected mother to the fetus. This disease cannot be transmitted through social communication such as mouth saliva, party participation, sweating, riding in buses and taxis, or using shared spoons and forks. Dr. Hossein Biglari maintained that fortunately, with the appropriate actions of the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education, the universities of medical sciences, and health centers, good measures have been taken to inform the society, make prevention tools available, and inform families by setting up counseling centers for behavioral diseases.

He reminded us that HIV disease is not as worrying as it used to be, and today the antiviral treatments are provided free of charge to infected people so that they can lead a normal life without the capability of infecting others. He added that counseling centers for behavioral diseases under the cover of health centers of medical sciences universities provide completely confidential tests which are free of charge to applicants. He also emphasized that the right to access services for prevention and treatment is reserved for all people in the society. If the affected person is admitted by behavioral disease centers, the family members will also be given the necessary training.
As Dr. Biglari stated, sticking to anti-viral treatments makes the virus load in the blood close to zero, prevents the transmitability of the disease, enables the infected person to live like the rest of the society under proper care and treatment and even to get married and have a healthy child. He maintained that antiviral treatment has been introduced as the main method of preventing the transmission of the disease. He added that an effort should be made to make individuals with high-risk behaviors free of embarrassment so that they voluntarily undergo an HE test by referring to counseling centers.
Highlighting that the person who donates blood is screened and evaluated for HIV, hepatitis, and other related diseases, Dr. Biglari claimed that one of the best and most valuable measures at present is perfect screening of the blood which is donated. According to him, there are quick HIV tests in all relevant counseling centers affiliated to the Ministry of Health that provide services to people with high-risk behaviors. At those centers, experienced counselors might conduct HIV tests at the same time if necessary.
It should be mentioned that in Kermanshah, two completely confidential and free behavioral counseling centers provide services based on the principles of health care through counseling:
►Center Number 1, Fatemieh Square, at the end of Mekadik Street, behind the building of the Provincial Health Center.
►Center number 2, Taavon St., next to the health care center.